Magnet GRAYKEY’s Expanding Support for Android Devices – Pixel Series 6 and 8
The prominence of Pixel devices is on the rise, with the market share reported to have doubled in the US over the previous year, increasing the likelihood that you will encounter Pixel devices during your investigations. In this session, we will take a closer look at GRAYKEY’s recently announced full access support for the Google Engineered Pixel 6 and 8 series, and the constantly expanding coverage for Android mobile devices and operating systems.
This webinar is available for on-demand viewing in Investigator’s Corner. Please note that Investigator’s Corner is only available to current Magnet GRAYKEY customers. If you are a GRAYKEY customer and need access to Investigator’s Corner, please submit a support ticket. All tickets are manually reviewed by a member of your team, so we appreciate your patience as this process takes a few business days.

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