Industry News

Small Bytes: Digital Forensics Exonerates Husband From Murder Charges

As technology evolves, law enforcement agencies must be equipped with the tools and expertise to use digital forensics in their investigations effectively. In cases where traditional forensic evidence is not enough, digital forensics can provide valuable information that can lead to a successful case resolution. Digital forensics can also help corroborate or refute testimony, identify suspects, and reconstruct events.

Lake Jackson Police Department Case Study

In a recent case study, Lake Jackson Police Department demonstrates the importance of digital forensics in modern-day criminal investigations. In their case example, it meant the difference between potentially charging a man with murder or sending an innocent man to jail. As this example demonstrates, digital forensics has become vital in solving complex criminal cases. With the increasing use of technology in our daily lives, digital evidence has become an essential component of criminal investigations. And in the example of this case, it can provide crucial evidence that helps solve cases.

The Lake Jackson Police Department used Magnet GRAYKEY and Magnet ARTIFACT IQ to obtain evidence in a reported suicide case where circumstances surrounding the investigation indicated that homicide could not be ruled out. GRAYKEY is a mobile device forensic tool for Android and iOS devices to access and extract encrypted or inaccessible data from devices legally. ARTIFACT IQ compliments GRAYKEY as a cloud-based data analysis software that helps law enforcement analyze and act on the data extracted with GRAYKEY.

The Lake Jackson case study highlights the importance of digital forensics and the usefulness of digital forensic tools like GRAYKEY and ARTIFACT IQ for small state and local agencies. It highlights artifacts examined in the resolution of this suicide case.

It’s important that investigators are trained appropriately in using digital forensics tools and techniques. Magnet offers GRAYKEY training and certification for GRAYKEY customers. Additionally, GRAYKEY and ARTIFACT IQ users can find many how-to videos, on-demand webinars, and other helpful resources for getting the most out of their technology in the Investigators Corner (login credentials required).

Read the full case study

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