GrayKey Now Available Through Exclusive Partnership in Japan and South Korea
This announcement is also available in Japanese and Korean.
We are proud to announce that GrayKey is now available in Japan and South Korea as part of our exclusive technology and distribution partnership with Grayshift. At the heart of this partnership is a shared commitment to helping law enforcement agencies seeking justice and protecting the innocent.
GrayKey is available for purchase directly from Magnet Forensics to law enforcement agencies in select countries around the world and with this expansion, we’re excited to be able to offer it to the Asian market.
While Magnet AXIOM offers the most robust analysis and reporting capabilities, GrayKey offers a state-of-the-art and industry-leading image acquisition and unlocking scheme for currently marketed iOS devices. Using both in combination, law enforcement agencies will have a cost-effective solution to get the most relevant evidence from iOS devieces while maintaining control over the entire analytical process.
Watch this video in Japanese or Korean to see why our Founder and CTO, Jad Saliba and Grayshift Co-Founder David Miles are so excited about this partnership:
How Can an Investigative Agency Buy a GrayKey?
To contact a Magnet Forensics sales representative, fill out the form at the bottom of our Japanese and Korean pages . Our team looks forward to sending you a demo of GrayKey and Magnet AXIOM.
If you have any questions, please contact us by emailing sales@magnetforensics.com. Or, if you’re in Japan, you can contact our public partner Quality Net.