The Need for Speed with Magnet OUTRIDER
This presentation will focus on the development and deployment of an extremely quick triage tool, designed to aid Law Enforcement in the prioritization of which evidence to analyze first in their investigations while both on scene, as well as back in the lab with the use of automation tools on the seized exhibits.
We will describe how discussions at the beginning of 2019 led to the development of this triage tool, OUTRIDER, and will explain how this has been piloted in multiple countries and refined further following international officer feedback. Sgt. John Bedell of the Maryland State Police will highlight how OUTRIDER has been successfully used in investigations, helping investigators identify key pieces of evidence for collection and analysis.
During the presentation we will also display how the tool works, provide insight into future developments, and gather any feedback attendees have regarding the tool. Examples of the results the tool has provided for various cases will be provided while also providing how usage of OUTRIDER within Investigative Teams can vastly reduce the number of devices seized while on scene and/or quickly triage through multiple devices back at the lab and as a benefit reduce agencies Digital Forensics backlogs.