Resource Center


Advanced Smartphone Forensics, hosted in partnership with Teel Technologies

Hosted by Magnet Forensics and Teel Technologies

As many of you know, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to obtain a full physical image of a mobile phone or bypass locked screens. With enhanced security features and more encryption, many of us have no other choice but to work with the best logical image a quick extraction can afford us or turn to JTAG; Chipoff; ISP; and/or Bootloader-Flasher Box physical extractions, which can be fairly risky to perform without proper training. This is why Magnet Forensics and Teel Technologies Canada teamed up for an in-depth webinar on how to get the most data from mobile phones using a variety of different methods of extraction (such as JTAG; ISP; Bootloader/Flasher Box and Chipoff) in conjunction with Magnet IEF.

In this webinar you’ll learn how to:

  • extract data from mobiles via JTAG and Chipoff
  • load output from a Teel Tech extraction into Magnet IEF
  • analyze different file systems with Magnet IEF
  • review results in Magnet IEF’s Report Viewer
  • get the most data possible off of a mobile phone

To access the recorded webinar, complete the form below.

View the Webinar

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