Industry News

Magnet Virtual Summit and the Digital Forensics Discord Server

As the team here at Magnet Forensics has been working hard to try to bring a fantastic experience, we wanted to find a way to ensure that attendees of the Magnet Virtual Summit wouldn’t miss out on one of the most important elements, meeting with others, having great forensic conversations, meeting with the speakers, and what is affectionately called “LobbyCon” or “HallwayCon”. So we were trying to think of how to bring this element, and we realized that we already know where more than 3K DFIR professionals are chatting and talking – Digital Forensics Discord Server. We are proud to announce that the Digital Forensics Discord Server will be hosting channels throughout the Magnet Virtual Summit for attendees!

How Do I Join These Conversations?

Well, if you are already a member of the Digital Forensics Discord Server, it is simple. Each day of the Magnet Virtual Summit there will be channels set up for each of the industry talks (excludes labs, keynote, and social events which already incorporate conversational elements) under the heading Magnet Virtual Summit.

We encourage conversations about the topic and about the presentation, including live during the talk. Once the presentation concludes, the speakers will head over to the channel and continue the conversation. This provides an opportunity to ask additional questions, like the common approach to the speaker at the conclusion of a talk in real life. Feel free to network, chat, and move conversations to DMs. We hope that this will provide you the opportunity.

New to the Digital Forensics Discord Server or Discord in General?

That’s okay! Andrew Rathbun drafted a fantastic blog about getting started on the digital forensics compendium site AboutDFIR. You can register for the Digital Forensics Discord Server here.

We would like to thank Andrew and all the moderators from the Digital Forensics Discord Server for graciously being open to this attempt.

Let me know if you have questions by reaching out to me via email

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