Filtering evidence

You might have thousands, or even millions of hits in your case. Browsing through these results might seem like a time consuming task, but you can make it much more manageable by applying filters.

In AXIOM Examine, the filter bar allows you to create specific conditions for the results that you want to display. You can also stack filters so that each additional filter that you apply refines the displayed results even further.

Types of filters

Depending on the explorer you're using to view your evidence, you'll have a variety of filters available for you to use.

Filter Description Explorer availability
Attributes Show evidence in the Connections explorer by attribute of interest such as file name, identifier, sender, and more. Connections
Artifacts Show evidence by artifact type or artifact group.



Connectors Show evidence based on how artifact attributes are related, such as accessed by, transferred to, child of, and more. Connections
Content types Show evidence based on a specific content type (for example, extracted text (OCR), geolocation data, pictures, video, audio, and more). There is also an option to filter by files that are either accessible or inaccessible to users. Artifacts
Data types Show evidence in the Timeline explorer based on whether it originated from the Artifacts explorer or the File system explorer. Timeline
Date and time Show evidence based on date and time. You can search by absolute date/time (a specific range of dates and times) or by relative date/time (around the time of a specified date).


File system


Date and time attributes Show evidence in the Timeline explorer based on date and time attributes. Timeline
Evidence Show evidence based on the source. For example, if you have evidence from both computer and iOS images, you can view evidence from the computer, the iOS, or both evidence sources.




File attributes Show evidence by file attribute. For example, you can opt to show only the files that are archived, deleted, hidden, or encrypted. To see all the attributes that a particular file has, see the File attributes property in Details. File system
File size Show evidence by file size (in bytes). You can specify an exact value, a range, or more than/less than values. File system
Keyword lists Show evidence based on keywords or keyword lists. You can stack keywords or keyword lists to refine your results even further. If you added keywords or keyword lists to your search in AXIOM Process, those lists and keywords appear as filtering options. Artifacts
Keywords / search terms Show evidence based on keywords and regular expressions that you provide in the search box.


File system


Media categorization Show evidence based on the media categories that you apply to pictures and videos or that were applied by hash sets. Artifacts
Media attributes (VICS) Show evidence based on Video Image Classification Standard (VICS) media attributes and values. Artifacts
Partial results Show evidence based on whether a result is complete or partial. Because AXIOM Process searches both allocated and deleted space, recovered artifacts can be a mix of complete and partial results. Partial results are valuable but often require a manual investigation of the underlying data. Artifacts
Profiles Show evidence that you've assigned a profile to. Artifacts
Similar pictures After you find similar pictures, this filter appears. You can adjust the scale to only view the most similar pictures, or broaden the results. You can also view the reference photo that you're currently using. Artifacts (Thumbnail view only)
Skin tone Show evidence based on the overall percentage of skin tone—for all different skin colors—in media files. Artifacts
Tags and comments Show evidence that you've tagged or commented on or evidence that has been tagged by Magnet.AI. Tags are labels that you manually apply to artifacts of interest. For more information about tags, see Tagging evidence.


File system


Timeline categories Show evidence by timeline category. Timeline