Filter by skin tone percentage

To help detect explicit content in media like pictures, video, and carved video, AXIOM Process uses a skin tone detection algorithm. By converting data to an advanced color space and isolating clusters of pixels that appear to be skin, AXIOM Examine filters content based on the overall percentage of skin tone—for all different skin colors—in a specific media file. Values are within a range of 0% and 100%. A value of 0% indicates that there is no skin tone present, while 100% indicates there’s only skin tone present.

The Skin tone percentage filter is available in the Artifacts explorer.

  1. In AXIOM Examine, on the Filters bar, click Skin tone.
  2. Set the skin tone percentage range you want to detect.
  3. Click Okay.

Tip: You can optimize this filter by importing hash lists for files like standard operating system icons and screen savers that are not relevant to your case. AXIOM Examine will ignore these files so that they don't clutter your evidence. For more information, see Ignore non-relevant files.