View artifacts on a map

The World map view plots all Google Maps, Google Maps Tiles, geo-enabled apps, and picture coordinates from Exif data on a world map. Clusters appear where a large number of plotted points exist. This view is useful if you have an idea of where an incident occurs and want to see if there are other artifact results that coincide with that area. Keep in mind that some artifacts do not have the required coordinates and can't be plotted.

View artifact details in the World map view

AXIOM Examine opens the world map and applies an implicit filter to display only the artifacts that have location information.

When you hover over a marker, basic details about the marker are displayed, including the date range and time of the result. To view the full details:

  1. In AXIOM Examine, open the Artifacts explorer.
  2. In the View drop-down list, click World map view.
  3. In the World map view, click a pin on the map.
  4. In the dialog that appears, click View details.

Details about all of the artifacts in the marker appear in a split screen below the world map view.

To switch back to a full-screen map, in the top-right corner of the map view, click the expand icon (The expand button.) .

Connect to an offline map server

If you're working on a computer without internet access, you can set up an offline map server. To connect to the server, follow the steps below.

Note: To learn about the offline map server requirements and recommendations, see the customer portal article, Connecting to an offline map server.
  1. In AXIOM Examine, on the Tools menu, click Settings.
  2. In the Settings window, under Maps, select the option to Connect to an offline map server.
  3. Provide a Server address, and then click Connect to server.
  4. If the connection is successful, click Okay. If the connection is unsuccessful, see more tips about connecting to the server in Connecting to an offline map server.