View chat threads

Use Conversation view to quickly see the individual messages in a threaded conversation, in a format similar to the application that the messages are from. You can also view the details of the chat thread, including the number of participants, display names, number of messages in the chat thread, and more.

Note: Not all chat artifacts currently support the Conversation view.

View chat threads in Conversation view

  1. In AXIOM Examine, open the Artifacts explorer.
  2. In the View drop-down list, click Conversation view.

Conversation view is sorted in chronological order based on most recent chat activity.

AXIOM Examine applies an implicit filter to display only the artifacts that support chat threads. To see the individual messages in the chat thread, expand the conversation.

Export a chat thread

When you save a chat thread to your case, the file is named with the name of the chat application and the date and time stamp of the last message in the thread. For example, "Skype Chat Messages - 7_05_2016 3_09_04 PM."

  1. In AXIOM Examine, in the Conversation view, right click the chat thread that you want to export.
  2. Click Create report / export.
  3. In the Export type drop-down list, select HTML or PDF.
  4. Next to the File path field, click Browse and select where you want to save the export. Click Select folder.
  5. In Items to include, select the chat threads that you want to export.
  6. In Level of detail, complete one of the following options:
    • To save the information to one report, select High-level information
    • To create individual reports for each artifact type (for example, one report for Skype Chat Messages and another for GoogleTalk messages), select Detailed information .
  7. Click Create.